Annotation Type ResultColumn

public @interface ResultColumn

By default columns for ResultSet are mapped directly to public fields within the data object class. The ResultColumn annotation allows you to change the way the column is mapped.

        public class User {
            public String username;
            public Date birthDate;
Instead of looking for a column named "birthDate" in the ResultSet, the mapping code will now look for a column named "birth_date" and map it to the "birthDate" variable.

@ResultColumn can also map columns to setter methods. The method does not have to follow any naming convention, but accept only a single, simple parameter type (which is the type the column is expected to be).

         public class User {
            private String name;
            public void setUsername(String name) {
       = name;
The above code will attempt to map a column named "username" to the data object, by invoking the "setUsername" method. This mapping totally ignored the name of the method, and it's parameters. Note that if a method annotated by @ResultColumn takes more than one parameter, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown during validation by the QueryTool.

Note: All column names in EoD SQL are treated as case in-sensitive, since different JDBC drivers respond with different meta-data.


Required Element Summary
 String value
          The name of the field as it will appear in the ResultSet meta-data.

Element Detail


public abstract String value
The name of the field as it will appear in the ResultSet meta-data. If no ResultColumn is found annotating a public field, it is assumed that the field will be mapped on it's variable-name.